Sustainability and inclusiveness starts with us, right here, right now.

Sustainability transformation can be intimidating and is an absolute necessity, but at the same time, it presents the greatest business opportunity of a lifetime. Our Sustainable Branding Solutions provides guidance on how your existing sustainability efforts can be integrated into the core of your brand and accelerated in your relationships with customers and with society at large. It provides you with a long-term direction as to how your brand can change for the better. The strategy spans from the overall vision to the necessary plans for implementing sustainability in all aspects relevant to your brand.

Getting Equal


Environmental Program

Caring for the environment is essential for any progressive company. We are committed to doing our part, no matter how small. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. This is our contribution:
  1. 90% of our employees are fully remote workers.
  2. Our suppliers consistently provide environmentally certified products.
  3. We recycle everything we can and always think before printing.
  4. We choose public transportation when traveling around the city.
  5. When traveling between Zurich, Milan, and Geneva, we prefer to take the train instead of driving.


At Dilemmi, discrimination based on gender, cultural or ethnic background, religious affiliation, age, language, sexual orientation, gender identity, or abilities is not accepted. We are proud to say that we have achieved 100% gender equality. We believe that the concept of equality is a necessary foundation for gaining the expertise and experience required to create tomorrow’s brands.

Join Us

We have always been active in charity, supporting those most in need. We have developed growth projects for small local communities and made significant contributions to the development of social activities aimed at helping those in need. Through MB Circle, a network of the most important companies in the Brianza area which we are proudly a part of, we launched ‘Food & Design for Charity,’ an event dedicated to awarding scholarships to the young people of the CSDAC and AutAcademy cooperatives, supporting their personal and professional growth.

In these images: our Board during “Food & Design for Charity” Gala Dinner © J. Cattaneo.